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Why Write?

  • Writing helps you think: You generate ideas and makes you come up with ideas outside the box.

  •  Writing helps you organize your thoughts: Breaking down your thoughts into key sections is a big help.

  • Writing helps you remember information: When studying or trying to remember things, writing them down makes it easier to remember for the big test or whatever you need it for.
  • Writing helps you find logical faults or gaps in your own thinking or understanding: Rereading and writing something helps break down the section and increases your understanding of the material.
  • Writing helps you develop your own attitude towards a subject: Not everyone is going to agree with someone and you have to learn to persway and agrue your point to someone.
  • Writing helps you synthesize large amounts of information:
  • Writing helps you record information: Wriitng down something with come in handy for the future.
  • Writing is different from speaking in that your target audience, that is your reader, is not present when you are writing: A lot of people arent good at public speaking, so therefore they rely on writing.

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